Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ripple effect

Making my forth trip to Haiti in a week. Such a blessing, so exciting, so ready, but am I? Is my heart really ready for what I will see? So much has changed in Haiti since the last time I was there. New roads built, millions of buildings toppled, new needs, more crippled, more orphaned, but tons of aid, so many more “workers for the field.” I feel like I am going there for the first time, almost, and yet I feel like I am visiting an old hometown. How amazing that I can have this kind of familiarity with a 3rd world nation or an island nation. How my heart burns for island nations, for their needs, their people, and their little children. Not in my wildest dreams, wait, no, this is one of my wildest dreams….that I am able to go to and invest in lives of these children: the lost, the desperate, the hungry, the abandoned, the hurting, and the broken. And even more loftier a dream: that I go in hopes of seeing goodness in a desolate place, in hopes of seeing provision in a dry and weary land, in seeing people healed, in seeing people satisfied, in seeing people find joy.
It’s amazing really. I am but one person. In my little week I will attempt to impact my little circle in Montrious, without knowing if I make a dent or even a scratch. But then there are so many, many more who are going to this precious little country to do the same thing, in their little circles. There are those who go for a week or two or go for years, each has their circle and their impact.
I have decided that even though I may not see a tremendous change, I will trust and believe that the course of the nation is being changed, hope is being restored, hungry mouths fed, lives, changed a a country is being transformed before our eyes.. I am trusting and hoping that the people are finding mercy and hope and satisfaction and healing; and that each day things are only getting better. I am clinging to the Beatitudes as I prepare my heart to go…..
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven,
Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy
Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall be called sons of God
Blessed are the peacemakers for righteousness’ sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven

I especially cling to 6th one, “Blessed are the merciful for they will receive mercy…” What an idea, giving of mercy resulting in receiving more mercy. What does mercy look like to you? I see mercy as a ripple on still water. Mercy is giving compassion and offering favor or forgiveness that is not deserved or earned to one in distress, given unconditionally. It’s a real definition of sacrifice: love given without regard of return. So as I have unconditional favor and love for a people that did nothing to earn it (except be in need), I will receive mercy as well, even though I didn’t necessarily deserve that compassion or favor either. What is more is that, as the Lord shows me His compassion, love, and help that I don’t deserve, I will have more compassion and love to offer to others who don’t deserve either. Now that’s a way to transform a people.

Sacrifice a little unconditionally to one who didn’t earn it, so that their heart is awakened and they might sacrifice a little to others who didn’t earn what they are receiving so that they go out and give to more to a few others, and out it goes. A small ripple at first, then a bigger ripple, and eventually a wave, and then another wave, and then a bigger wave. Now mind you this is not strict theology by any means. But imagine: have mercy or sacrifice of yourself by showing unconditional love and favor; so pouring out a bit of yourself, expecting nothing back, and therefore filling another that they might be awakened. Then you have two people awakened to the compassion and love of their Lord, finding fulfillment, satisfaction, and joy through mercy that you have both received, that it might continue.
Blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy….Transforming lives….definitely not a stagnant process.

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